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In essence, if you want delivery to an alternative address when undertaking a MOTO (mail order telephone order) query, it forces the customer and thereby deters the fraudster, to go online to undertake a 3D Secure transaction where the merchant will obtain liability shift. I wish it were my idea.

This product has merit in today's market place

We installed SOTpay to to handle our customer not present transactions as most or third party delivery, we also benefit from PCI compliance

Since installing SOTpay Gala Tent has reduced fraudulent activity by 100%, make a substantial saving in labor costs, won many sales due to the third party delivery address option, seen higher level of productivity producing a higher level of customer service and fully PCI DSS compliance, our customers love it. The built in e-invoicing and text payment make this very convenient for our customers to pay.
with RivYoo
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